
The purpose of this GDR MEETICC meeting is to bring together the French community working on the topic of superconductivity. The meeting will be held on December 6 and 7, 2021 on the campus of the University of Paris. It will consist mainly of oral invited interventions. However, some slots for oral presentation will be reserved for contributions sent. To maximize exchanges, we encourage you to submit contributions aimed at presenting a poster.

The deadline for abstract submission and the banquet is October 31st. After this date only poster contrubutions will be accepted.

This meeting will provide an update on current topics in the field of :
- unconventional superconductivity: mechanisms, phase diagrams, quantum criticality, effects of correlations (cuprates, iron superconductors, ruthenates, heavy fermions ...)
- new superconducting materials (nickelates, etc.) and new techniques
- low-dimensional superconductivity, devices
- theoretical developments
- out-of-equilibrium superconductivity and collective modes


Yann Gallais, Alain Sacuto, Maximilien Cazayous (MPQ, Université de Paris), Dorothée Colson (SPEC, CEA Saclay)

Invited speakers

Philippe Bourges (CEA Saclay), Marc-Henri Julien (LNCMI Grenoble), Catherine Pépin (CEA Saclay)

Iron-based SC
Anna Bohmer (Bochum, All.),  Indranil Paul (MPQ, Univ. Paris), Luca deMedici (ESPCI, Paris)

SC in ruthenates and nickelates
Andres Cano (Institut Néél, Grenoble), Antoine Georges (Collège de France / Flatiron Institute)  Cliff Hicks (MPI Dresde, U. Birmingham), Cyril Proust (LNCMI, Toulouse)

Heavy Fermion compounds
Alexandre Pourret (CEA Grenoble)

SC and ferroelctricity in SrTiO3
Kamran Behnia (ESPCI, Paris)

2D SC and spin-orbit coupling
Charis Quay (LPS Orsay)

Disordered SC
Benjamin Sacépé (Institut Néél, Grenoble)

SC and optical cavities
Thomas Ebbesen (ISIS, Univ. Strasbourg)

SC under pressure by NV magnetometry
Jean-François Roch (ENS Saclay)

Supraconductivité at THz frequencies
Florence Lévy-Bertrand (Institut Néél, Grenoble)


Zoom links

Talk will be broadcasted simulanteously via zoom. See links below:

-> Decembre 6th:
Sujet : GDR MEETICC Meeting on Superconductivity
Heure : 6 déc. 2021 09:00 AM Paris
ID de réunion : 827 4482 9715
Code secret : 752719

-> December 7th:
Sujet : GDR MEETICC Meeting on superconductivity
Heure : 7 déc. 2021 08:30 AM Paris
ID de réunion : 876 4414 6601
Code secret : 227170



Yann Gallais: yann.gallais(at)



Amphithéâtre Buffon : Université de Paris, 15 rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris

Program booklet

Template file for abstract

Please use one of the two template files for your abstracts : Word / LaTex (for Latex users, please send a pdf file)


CNRS, Université de Paris, Labex SEAM, Labex PALM

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